Contouring. A well-known subject for all the makeup lovers. But is it a trend? Something we should include in our everyday routine? Maybe, maybe not. The only way to know is to try.

I am sure you saw all those tutorials of average girls - like you and me -  literally becoming someone else after contouring their face. Scary! Every time I watch one, I immediately think to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.  On the other hand, I admire the time spent to do the contouring and the techniques used. It really requires patience. And if it is the way you want to look and it makes you feel comfortable, then go for it. You know that I am all about being confident with yourself. Everyone has a way to feel good! And what suits me may not fit you, and the way round!

 Before going furthermore, what is contouring? Contouring is a makeup technique using cosmetics to define and enhance the structure of your face. Usually, you can produce it by placing   different tones of stain in the cheeks area, on the side of the nose and on the temples to give a slimming effect. 

I think you know by now, that I am not fond of applying a lot of cosmetics on my face. Even though, I am sure I would look really good with some contouring - just kidding, my dear! So as I wasn't comfortable doing another thing on contouring - there are already so many tutorials online and it doesn't really correspond to me -, I decided to wait and try several products. 

Last fall, I attended the Maybelline party in Paris, there I discover their Lip Contouring Kit. I asked one of the makeup artist if he could use it to do my lips, as I was kind of intrigued. And I have to admit, I liked the result.

But once at my place, would I be able to reproduce the lip contouring on my own? You know what? I did it! I was so thrilled at first, because it was easy. Then, I started to think that I just got lucky. So the next morning, I tried and again... Success! 

I know what you are wondering: how does lip contouring work? Ok, the idea is to give volume to your lips by applying different shades of lipstick. The darkest one goes on the outside of the lips and lightest one on the center. It is actually more complicated to explain than to make. So don't get overwhelmed people!

Obviously you can do different volumes and shades. You can go from your natural volume to Kylie Jenner's lips one - alright it may not be the best example, but that's the idea! Concerning the lipsticks, you will need four to six shades of the same color family. 

Would I do lip contouring everyday? Maybe not, as you need to have and take time to do it. But for going out or for special occasions, I would definitely do some lip contouring!


This is for all these reasons that I decided to publish a non-sponsored review - just in case you were wondering - of the Maybelline Lip Contouring Kit. 

The first thing coming in my mind is that it super easy to use. I am clumsy, guys, really clumsy. Ok, I am good with eyeshadows and makeup on the eyes, because I have the habit to use those. However, when it comes to the lips, it is a whole other story. Actually I am never really satisfied with the result. So trust me when I say it is super user-friendly. It just takes a little longer to apply than a regular lipstick. 

The second reason to use the Maybelline Lip Contouring Kit, to me, would be the texture and the pigments of the different shades. Just with one application, you'll see the difference compared to your nude lips. 

Finally, the result is awesome. You can truly see the difference of volume. It is really photogenic. Thanks to the different shades used in the process, the color of your lips varies with the light and the angle. It is really, really nice!  

I have to say it make a sexy impression! And it is fun!


What kind of look?: Lip contouring makes your lips really, really, really present. So you need to have a really light makeup to keep an harmonious look. Sorry for those who expected me to answer that you need to go for contouring all the way, but I prefer natural look. For the look on the picture, I used a light cushion, a black eyeliner and mascara and some nude eyeshadows.

How to choose the color of your Maybelline Lip Contouring Kit?: Everyone will need a different color! Because everybody has different: skin tone, hair color, style, attitude,...  Those will influence the shade that will suit you the best.  For the look on the picture, I choose classic red shades. If you're not comfortable with this color, go for browns or pinks. Oh and please don't be shy! Ask some piece of advice to the salesman or your friends, they will be more objective than you. 

(Photo credit: Jim Rosemberg)