How do you take care of your skin? How often? What kind of product do you use? When are you supposed to start using skincare products? Is it too much questions? Probably... but we all face them at some point. The lucky ones won't have to use skincare products too often - I guess I am lucky -, for the others it is more of a daily basis issue. 

But what kind of product should we use? The adapted one. We all have different skins with different needs. So only use products that suits it. Do not follow the flow, just to use the same trendy products as everyone. 

I know what you are asking yourself: Why am reviewing newly released products and writing about it if you are not supposed to follow trends? Easy answer: I am your guinea pig - not so lucky me! I am trying those products so you don't have to buy them and then realize that they are not made for you. 

In this post, I wanted to try new skincare products and review them for you, my darling. That's exactly what I did with the overnight masks from the Tulasara line of Aveda. What's their name? Wedding Masque and Wedding Masque Eye. The pitch? To moisturize and restore the skin of your face and surrounding your eyes, like if you were preparing for your wedding. Translation? Getting an amazing skin overnight. 

I did the experience. Here is opinion about the Aveda's Tulasara Wedding Masques. 


The packaging: Love, love, love... I absolutely love the original packaging of these overnight masks. It is nicely designed and user-friendly as it super easy to grab. 

The texture: When I decided to try Aveda's overnight masks, I was wondering a bit how it would be. Would it be like an clay mask or would it be like moisturizing cream? Most importantly, I was asking myself if I would have to sleep without moving, like a mummy, to avoid to get my pillow dirty! I know it sounds stupid! So when I finally tried the masks, I realized that the texture was somehow in between a regular overnight moisturizing cream and a mask. Meaning? It is thicker than a face cream, but at the same time it is as transparent and fluid. Best of both world!

The effects: I have to say I was a but dubious towards the promise of the products. After trying them, I am convinced, especially by the eye mask, that they truly have intense effects on the skin. I felt that the skin of my face was softer and flexible. I recommend to use it, like a regular mask, on a weekly basis. The Wedding Masque Eyes is a must for those who feels their skin is tense in this area. 


Tulasara Wedding Masque and Tulasara Wedding Masque Eye

Price: 128 €

Available on Aveda

The products were offered to me by Aveda. However, all the opinions expressed above are mine.

(Photo credit: 4am Journal)